25 Available Questions
Start Your NAPLEX Exam

This exam is provided by
Board Vitals.

Exam Description: Additional Information  

The NAPLEX, or North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination, measures a candidate’s knowledge of the practice of pharmacy. It is just one component of the licensure process and is used by the boards of pharmacy as part of their assessment of a candidate’s competence to practice as a pharmacist.

The NAPLEX assesses whether a prospective pharmacist:

  • Can identify practice standards for safe and effective pharmacotherapy and optimize therapeutic outcomes in patients
  • Can identify and determine safe and accurate methods to prepare and dispense medications
  • Can provide and apply health care information to promote optimal health care

The 185-question exam tests a prospective pharmacist’s ability to measure pharmacotherapy and therapeutic outcomes, prepare and dispense medications, and implement and evaluate information for optimal health care.